» Missionary Chitti Babu: A Man of God

My name is Varadhi Chitti Babu. I was born and raised in Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, India. Growing up in a Christian family, I regularly attended Sunday school, where I learned valuable lessons from the Bible. God convicted me of my sins, and I realized that He died for me. I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior and Lord and was baptized in water on July 1, 2011.

» My Journey with Christ

At the age of 16, I began teaching Sunday school kids and developed a passion for church involvement. Initially, I aspired to become a singer and join an orchestra, having learned the guitar and keyboard. However, God’s plans for me were different and far more amazing. He called me to assist my pastor, and later I attended the Believer's Church of India Seminary, where I graduated with a Bachelor of Theology after three years of training.

» Answering God's Call

After seminary, I sought God's guidance through prayer and received a clear call to Children's Ministry. God instructed me to train and equip others to teach children in remote areas. Through His guidance, I travel to various places each year, rejoicing in fellowship with His people.

» Ministering to the Unreached

In addition to children’s and youth gospel camps, God has placed a burden on my heart to take Christ to tribal communities in Andhra Pradesh. I feel a strong calling to walk through new villages daily, witnessing for Christ. Currently, I am serving God with a commitment to love and help people know Jesus in their lives.

» Emmanuel God Vision Ministries (EGVM)

At Emmanuel God Vision Ministries (EGVM), our true mission is to preach the exact gospel that Jesus Christ instructed us to share. We are dedicated to reaching the unreached in Kadapa district and other villages in Andhra Pradesh. As Mark 1:15 says, "The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!"

» Our Work and Outreach

We actively hold meetings in Kadapa district and other remote areas, overcoming challenges to bring the Gospel to hard-to-reach places. Our work extends to supporting leprosy colonies, where we provide food, education, and aid to children and those affected by leprosy. Our "Happy Day Care Center" program offers daily free food and education to children in these communities, reaching out to poor and needy children from various religious backgrounds.

» Empowering Through Knowledge

Hosea 4:6 says, "My people perish for lack of knowledge." In India, people are perishing due to a lack of knowledge, and pastors are sometimes led astray. We are committed to growing in the Lord and addressing the significant work that needs to be done in India. God is preparing us for this mission.

» Emmanuel God Vision Ministries (EGVM) in Andhra Pradesh

At Emmanuel God Vision Ministries (EGVM), our true mission is to preach the exact gospel that Jesus Christ instructed us to share. We are dedicated to reaching the unreached in Kadapa district and other villages in Andhra Pradesh. As Mark 1:15 says, "The time has come," he said. "The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!"

» Reaching the Unreached

We actively hold meetings in Kadapa district and other remote areas, overcoming challenges to bring the Gospel to hard-to-reach places. Our work extends to supporting leprosy colonies, where we provide food, education, and aid to children and those affected by leprosy. Our "Happy Day Care Center" program offers daily free food and education to children in these communities, reaching out to poor and needy children from various religious backgrounds.

» Empowering Through Knowledge

Hosea 4:6 says, "My people perish for lack of knowledge." In India, people are perishing due to a lack of knowledge, and pastors are sometimes led astray. We are committed to growing in the Lord and addressing the significant work that needs to be done in India. God is preparing us for this mission.
